Use folder/envelope with CD holder. Have everything on CD, but include hard copy of Cover Letter, Resume, and One Page Five-Year Plan.
1. Cover letter: A hypothetical cover letter to an art dealer or potential employer. Describe your interest in a gallery and why your work fits; or describe why you are the right candidate for a particular job—at a museum, art center, print or artist's studio, job of your dreams, etc.
2. Artist’s statement
3. Resume
4. DVD with digital files of a minimum of 15-20 images at minimum 200 dpi, 8x10 inches. Title jpeg with #, name and title: 1.Vu_PortraitofFriend.
5. Image List with thumbnails: #1-15 w/ Title, Year, Size (height x width [x depth]), and Medium.
6. One page 5-Year Plan: where do you see yourself in five years, list format, several entries for each year.
7. Business card (optional)
8. Link to personal artist website (at bottom of your cover letter, artist statement, and resume):
a) Website design, three rules: simple, easy to use, design does not compete w work.
b) Pre-designed website hosting companies recommended. (yearly charge)
c) Blog style site recommended. (free)